Understanding Men: Why Do Guys Run Hot & Cold?

running hot and cold

Some men are like taps; they run hot and cold, and it can be darn confusing. Are they interested? Are they playing games? Are they just not that into you? Understanding why guys run hot and cold can seem impossible to understand, but it’s actually simpler than you think.

There’s no denying that this behaviour is frustrating and can leave you feeling unsure about where you stand with a man. It can definitely have an impact on you and your relationship, too.

But instead of letting it drive you crazy and trying to wean answers out of him, have a go at cracking the code on your own. Because if you can figure out the root of his hot and cold behaviour, you can do something about it and prevent it from taking a toll on you.

Reasons Why Men Blow Hot & Cold In a Relationship

There really are numerous reasons as to why your man is seemingly playing games, but that doesn’t mean they’re complicated reasons.

Of course, every man and every relationship is different, so we can speak for all men. But, we’ve narrowed it down to the 5 most likely reasons why men blow hot and cold in a relationship.

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#1 He Doesn’t Understand His Feelings

Often, if a man is blowing hot and cold, it’s a sign that he’s uncertain about his feelings towards your situation. People can be scared to recognise or address their feelings, especially if they haven’t been in a serious relationship before.

In moments of doubt, he might distance himself from you in an act of self-preservation, leading to the ‘cold’ phase. When his desire for connection, sex or attention kicks in, he turns ‘hot,’ seeking intimacy and affection.

Men often struggle to communicate their feelings, so it may be challenging for them to express their true emotions. It’s important to have open and honest communication in a relationship, so try talking to him about how his behaviour makes you feel and ask if there’s anything he wants to discuss or share.

#2 He’s Playing a Game of Chase

Another reason a man might blow hot and cold is that he’s deliberately playing a game of chase.

In this scenario, the ‘hot’ phase occurs when he lavishes you with attention, love, and affection, pulling you closer. As soon as he feels certain of your feelings for him, he shifts into the ‘cold’ phase, withdrawing his attention to prompt you to take up the pursuit.

This behaviour is often aimed at keeping the dynamic thrilling. It’s a tactical move to maintain interest and excitement but can lead to confusion and instability in the relationship.

This test of endurance and interest might be his way of gauging the depth of your investment, but it’s not the healthiest approach to relationships and can be a sign of narcissistic personality traits, which should be taken into consideration when deciding to continue the relationship.

“The narcissist maintains control over the victim not through the idealization alone, but rather the hot-and-cold and withholding behaviour which accompanies it. This causes the victim of a narcissist to try to regain the abuser’s approval – to “reset” the relationship back to its sweet beginnings.” – Shahida Arabi, MA, psychology and mental health writer for PsychCentral.

#3 He’s Not Fully Committed to You

When a man is inconsistent in his interactions, swinging between keen interest and apparent disinterest, it could reflect an underlying hesitation to fully commit.

This hot and cold‘ behaviour suggests that while he may enjoy your company and the benefits of the relationship with you, he’s not ready or willing to offer the stability and dedication that true commitment entails.

He might be used to situationships where he can have his cake and eat it too, without any real responsibility or vulnerability.

Our advice would be to have an open conversation about things and make up your mind about the relationship afterwards.

#4 He’s Feeling Insecure

Insecurity in a man can often emerge as a pendulum swing between hot and cold behaviour within a relationship. 

When feeling insecure, a man may overcompensate by displaying a heightened level of attention and affection, reflecting the ‘hot’ phase.

Conversely, during moments when his insecurities become overwhelming, he may retreat into the ‘cold’ phase, distancing himself as a protective measure against vulnerability.

This insecurity could stem from personal doubts about self-worth or uncertainties about where he stands in the relationship. It’s crucial to communicate effectively and with empathy when navigating these emotional fluctuations to establish mutual understanding and reassurance.

#5 He Might Not Be Blowing Hot & Cold

It’s important to consider that a man’s seemingly hot and cold behaviour may not necessarily be deliberate, manipulative, or even actually exist; instead, it might represent the natural spectrum of human emotions.

We all experience a range of feelings that can change based on countless factors, including stress from work, personal struggles, or even health issues.

When perceived through the lens of a relationship, these fluctuating states can be misinterpreted as vacillating interest or affection. Understanding that everyone has their ups and downs helps in recognising that ‘hot and cold’ behaviour could simply be a reflection of a person coping with the ebb and flow of everyday life’s challenges.

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Why Dating a Hot & Cold Guy Is So Hurtful

Dating a man who vacillates between warmth and distance can be emotionally draining and mentally taxing. The unpredictability of his affections causes a rollercoaster of emotions, often leading to self-doubt and confusion.

You may find yourself constantly questioning his intentions and your desirability, which can be debilitating to your self-esteem. It’s a form of emotional turbulence that denies you the security and consistency required for a nurturing, stable relationship.

Inconsistency in relationships undermines trust and can make you feel vulnerable, unvalued, and uncertain about your future together.

How to Handle the Heartache of Hot & Cold Behaviour

Navigating through the heartache of hot and cold behaviour requires resilience, self-awareness, and a practical approach. Here are some tips to help you cope with the emotional rollercoaster:

  1. Affirm your self-worth: Remind yourself that your value is not dependent on someone else’s attention and affection. Engage in activities and hobbies that fortify your sense of self and boost your confidence.
  2. Set boundaries: Determine what you will and won’t tolerate in a relationship. Communicate your boundaries clearly to your partner, and be prepared to walk away if they’re not respected.
  3. Maintain emotional equilibrium: Try to keep a level head by viewing the situation objectively. Avoid letting your emotions dictate your decisions, and strive for a balanced perspective.
  4. Seek support: Lean on friends, family, or a therapist who can offer support and advice. Talking about your experiences helps you to process your emotions and gain clarity.
  5. Focus on stability: Prioritise relationships and connections that provide emotional stability and support rather than those that leave you feeling insecure and undervalued.
  6. Be prepared to walk away: Recognise when a relationship is not serving your well-being and have the strength to leave for your own emotional health.

Taking these steps can help ensure that you don’t lose yourself in the turbulence of a hot and cold relationship and that you maintain a strong sense of individuality and emotional health.

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Should You Stay With a Guy Who Blows Hot & Cold?

Deciding whether to stay with a man who exhibits hot and cold behaviour warrants a frank assessment of the relationship’s impact on your well-being. Consistency and mutual respect form the backbone of a healthy relationship.

If his behaviour causes distress and undermines your self-esteem, it might be time to reconsider your involvement. Communication is key— make sure you address your concerns openly with him.

Ultimately, you deserve a partner who is consistently caring, supportive, and invested in your relationship.

Conclusion: What to Do About a Guy Playing Games

There are tons of reasons why a guy chooses to play games with your emotions, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. 

Life’s far too short to put up with this kind of behaviour, so you don’t have to! In fact, taking a step back and no longer playing this guy’s games could be enough to get him to get his act together. 

Either way, it helps you break free from the cycle of hot and cold affections!

For more relationship advice and tips, check out our blog, filled with resources and expert advice to help you shape healthy, meaningful connections. 


What to Do if a Guy Blows Hot & Cold?

If a guy blows hot and cold, evaluate how this pattern affects you emotionally. Communicate openly about your feelings and what you need in terms of consistency. If the situation doesn’t improve and continues to cause distress, consider prioritising your well-being and exploring other relationships that offer greater stability and respect.

Why Do Guys Suddenly Go Cold?

Men may suddenly become distant or withdraw for a variety of reasons. This often relates to personal issues they’re grappling with, like unresolved insecurities, fears of commitment, or external pressures unrelated to the relationship. Sometimes, a man may need space to sort through his own emotions before engaging fully in the partnership. It’s crucial to communicate and not immediately take such behaviour personally.

Can a Relationship Survive Hot & Cold Dynamics?

A relationship can survive hot and cold dynamics, but it requires honest communication, clear boundaries, and mutual effort to understand and address the underlying issues. Both partners must be willing to work towards creating a more consistent and nurturing environment for the relationship to thrive.

How Can I Communicate My Needs When He’s Blowing Hot & Cold?

When communicating with a partner who’s blowing hot and cold, it’s crucial to express yourself clearly and calmly. Share how their behaviour affects you, stating your need for consistency and reliability. Encourage an open dialogue, listen to their perspective, and work towards a mutual understanding or resolution. If the pattern persists, consider the advice of a relationship counsellor or therapist.

What Self-Care Practices Can Help Me Cope With a Partner Who’s Unpredictable?

Self-care practices that can help cope with an unpredictable partner include maintaining a strong support network of friends and family, engaging in regular exercise and mindfulness activities like yoga or meditation, and pursuing hobbies and interests that bring joy and fulfilment independently of the relationship. It’s important to nurture your emotional well-being and ensure you have a life outside of the partnership.

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