Why is Dating in London so Hard? (& How To Make It Easier!)

Why is Dating in London so Hard

Living in the capital city, you’d think it’d be easy to meet someone, after all, there are so many people to choose from. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the experience of most singles looking to meet someone in the big smoke. Dating in London is hard! But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you why it’s hard (it’s not just you!) and how you can make it easier.

There are 9.6 million people in London. Out of those millions of people, roughly 3.9 million consider themselves to be single. With numbers like that, meeting someone in London should be easy, but love is more than just a numbers game.

We’ve looked at why dating is hard in the city, and how you can make it a little bit easier.

Why Dating in London is so Hard:
People don’t have enough time to date
There are millions of singles in London
Online dating apps have changed how people approach dating
The cost of living hampers dating plans

London is a Fast-Paced City

Like any capital city, London is fast-paced! Everyone’s in a rush all the time, you just have to take the tube at rush hour to know that. While a fast-paced lifestyle may seem exciting, it can actually be quite stressful and leave little time and energy for dating.

Even with the development of dating apps and a speed dating event or two, people in London just don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth to go out and meet someone after work.

The London Dating Scene Can Be Too Diverse

Of course, you want diversity in the dating scene, but in London, there can be too much choice. With 3.9 million people potentially looking for love, it can be overwhelming to sift through them to try and find a connection.

Even using dating apps, it can be difficult to find like-minded people that you want to get to know. The endless swiping and awkward initial small talk can be draining and demotivating for even the most determined daters.

Online Dating Apps Have Changed the Face of Dating in London

In theory, dating in London should be easier than ever. With so many dating websites and online dating apps available, you can meet someone from the comfort of your sofa. While this can be a convenient way to meet people, internet dating does have its drawbacks.

For a start, a dating app can be a great way to start dating, but moving from online to a real-life first date can be difficult. Not only do you have to make sure your schedules align, but you don’t really know the person behind the profile picture, so meeting up for a first date can be scary.

The Cost of Living is Impacting Casual Dating in London

Finally, even with all the speed dating and dating apps in the world, there’s no getting around the cost of living in London. Dating apps are free which makes meeting someone online super easy. Moving your online chats to a real-life first date is much harder.

Social events, from having a quick drink after work to going on a full-blown date night, cost money. There’s no way around that. Even if you opt for a trip to a museum or a picnic in the park, travelling around the city can get expensive. Young people in particular don’t have the luxury of disposable income to spend on dates.

How to Make Dating in London Easier

It’s not all doom and gloom in the dating world though! 

There are ways to make dating easier when you’re living in London. We’ve got a few tips and tricks to help you improve your dating prospects.

How to make dating in London easier:
Build a strong social circle to facilitate introductions
Embrace the culture of the city and use it to meet new people
Get a fresh perspective on the London dating scene

Build a Strong Social Network

Dating apps provide you with easy access to practically every other single person in London. This is a great way to date multiple people, but if you’re looking for something serious, you want quality over quantity. This is where a strong social circle comes into play.

Building a large social network through work, friends, and hobbies is the perfect way to meet and get to know new people. You can make new friends and acquaintances in your age group and spend time in the same room at social events, allowing you to meet people without having to schedule a video call.

Embrace the Culture of the City

OK, so dating in London might not be as easy as you once thought, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. You’re never going to change the fact that London is a fast-paced city filled with millions of busy singles all looking for the same thing, so embrace it instead!

There are plenty of singles events that happen around the city beyond simple speed dating. You can also visit the numerous parks, museums, and galleries to help you find like-minded singles who share your interests.

Change Your Perspective

The biggest barrier to successfully dating in London is your mindset. If you get to the point where you feel it’s pointless to wade through the ocean of single people in the city, you’re not going to have much luck meeting people.

If you’re burned out by the dating process, take a break, spend time with your friends, and recharge. When you come back to dating apps or in-person dating, you might feel more interested and come in with a refreshed perspective.

London Dating: Hard But Not Impossible

London is an incredible city and meeting new people can be easier than you think, as long as you don’t overthink it. Maybe you’ll bump into that special someone on the tube, or find love in your local coffee shop.

If you don’t like the idea of leaving your love life up to chance, why not sign up for early access to the Finding The One dating app to find people with common interests who are looking for the same things you’re looking for?


How have online dating apps changed the dating landscape in London?

Online dating apps have revolutionised the dating landscape in London. Before everyone had a dating app on their phone, you were limited to meeting someone in person. This would either happen at a bar or venue that you frequented with friends, or at a speed dating event that can be incredibly awkward.

Now, you can talk to people all over the city without leaving your home. You can also connect with people who have common interests or life goals without having to invest a lot of time and money in multiple dates.

How can changing your perspective help overcome the challenges of dating in London?

You’ve heard of the saying: Mind over matter. Well, it’s true. If you approach dating and meeting new people with a defeatist, negative attitude, you’re unlikely to end up truly connecting with someone. If you’re serious about finding love, you need to shift your perspective about the reality of finding the one in London. It might not be the easiest thing, but it’s not impossible.

What are some common misconceptions about dating in London that people should be aware of?

It’s very to romanticise big cities like London, especially if you haven’t been living there long. We read romantic stories of people meeting someone on a packed tube, or making eye contact across their local coffee shop, but they don’t really happen in real life.

There’s nothing wrong with having a romantic outlook on life. With that said, it’s important to keep your feet on the ground and head out of the clouds if you’re going to find love in London.

How does Finding The One dating app cater to the specific challenges of dating in a city like London?

Our app is focused on kick-starting serious relationships for Londoners. We use compatibility-focused matching to make sure you’re not wasting your limited free time with people who don’t gel with your lifestyle. We also let you add a ton of detail about yourself to your profile. You’re more than your age, location, and 500 characters. You can check out our blog to find out more about what makes the Finding The One app London’s best dating app.

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